Problem giving color to a logo

Here is a simple solution. You may adjust the parameters (\anglei, \angleii, \angleiii, and \len) to change the flame.

\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=0,draw=blue]
  \fill[red] (0,0) circle (2.41);
    \fill[white] (0,.65) circle (1.92);
  (0,.65) ++(0,-1.92)
  arc[start angle=\anglei,end angle=\angleii,radius=\len]
  arc[start angle=\angleii+180,end angle=\angleiii,radius=\len]
  arc[start angle=\anglei+180,end angle=\angleii+180,radius=\len]
  arc[start angle=\angleii+360,end angle=\angleiii+180,radius=\len]

enter image description here

run with xelatex. The origin is the center of the big circle. \pscustom builds a closed path which can be filled.


  \psarc(0.65,1.15){1.4}{!2.01 RadtoDeg}{!4.0 RadtoDeg}
  \psarcn(-0.91,-0.79){1.08}{!0.93 RadtoDeg}{!-0.48 RadtoDeg}
  \psarc(-0.58,0){1.43}{!-1.12 RadtoDeg}{!0.68 RadtoDeg}
  \psarcn(1.1,1.94){1.18}{!4.2 RadtoDeg}{!2.72 RadtoDeg}


enter image description here

If you want to use pdflatex:


and run pdflatex --shell-escape file.tex

Not quite right, but anyway...

\tikz[line join=round]\filldraw [red] (0,0) 
  arc (270:180-30:cos 45 / cos 30) arc (180-45:360+45:1)
  arc (30:-90:cos 45 / cos 30) -- cycle
  .. controls ++(30:1) and ++(210:3/2) .. (0,1.5)
  .. controls ++(210:1) and ++(30:3/2) .. cycle;

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf
