Tikz node style that will programmatically modify the node content

Slightly different from your expected input, but here's one approach using the node contents key mentioned by percusse.

I use the interface name as an argument to the style, and piece together the full node contents inside the definition of the style.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % just for the guillemets
  % ... more style defs as needed ...
  rectangle, draw, align=left,
  node contents={<<interface>> \\ \textbf{#1}},


enter image description here

You can apply a macro to the node text by injecting it with execute at begin node. This works, because in the TikZ code this key is immediately followed by \bgroup.

  rectangle, draw,
  execute at begin node=\umlinterface

To be safe, I added another level of grouping.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % just for the guillemets
\newcommand{\umlinterface}[1]{<<interface>> \\ \textbf{#1}}
    rectangle, draw,
    execute at begin node=\umlinterface\bgroup,
    execute at end node=\egroup
  \path node[/uml/interface] (MyInterface) {MyInterface};

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf