Problem with newcommand and the optional argument

You want to test whether the optional argument is empty or not:



what I want: $W_\mathtt{a}$ and $\stuffing[5]{a}$

but what I get: $\stuffing{a}$ and $\stuffing[5]{a}$

I removed \ensuremath because that's math and so it should be properly segregated and you gain very little in not using $...$ a few times.

enter image description here

With xparse you can use the o argument type:



what I want: $W_\mathtt{a}$ and $\stuffing[5]{a}$

but what I get: $\stuffing{a}$ and $\stuffing[5]{a}$

With etoolbox:



what I want: $W_\mathtt{a}$ and \stuffing[5]{a}

and what I get: \stuffing{a} and \stuffing[5]{a}


enter image description here