problems using apa6e with biblatex-apa

The problem with your sample document is that you are missing the line


This should appear after you have loaded biblatex.

If you are still having problems with your sample document, the following sample document works correctly with a standard MacTeX/TeXShop setup. (Although I was able to get your example to work.) Try this and see if it works for you. The {filecontents} environment is just a way of including a specific bib file within the source document. You wouldn't need it for your actual document.

\title{A title}
\author{An Author}
\shorttitle{A title}
\abstract{An abstract}

    Author = {Ferdinand de Saussure},
    Origyear = {1916},
    Publisher = {Payot},
    Title = {Cours de Linguistique G{\'e}n{\'e}rale},
    Year = {1995}}

    Address = {Philadelphia},
    Author = {William Labov},
    Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
    Title = {Sociolinguistic Patterns},
    Year = {1972}}



This is some text. \cite{Saussure1995,Labov1972}