Pyspark: get list of files/directories on HDFS path

Using JVM gateway maybe is not so elegant, but in some cases the code below could be helpful:

URI           =
Path          =
FileSystem    =
Configuration =

fs = FileSystem.get(URI("hdfs://somehost:8020"), Configuration())

status = fs.listStatus(Path('/some_dir/yet_another_one_dir/'))

for fileStatus in status:

I believe it's helpful to think of Spark only as a data processing tool, with a domain that begins at loading the data. It can read many formats, and it supports Hadoop glob expressions, which are terribly useful for reading from multiple paths in HDFS, but it doesn't have a builtin facility that I'm aware of for traversing directories or files, nor does it have utilities specific to interacting with Hadoop or HDFS.

There are a few available tools to do what you want, including esutil and hdfs. The hdfs lib supports both CLI and API, you can jump straight to 'how do I list HDFS files in Python' right here. It looks like this:

from hdfs import Config
client = Config().get_client('dev')
files = client.list('the_dir_path')