Python: circular imports needed for type checking

You can program against interface (ABC - abstract base class in python), and not specific type Bar. This is classical way to resolve package/module inter-dependencies in many languages. Conceptually it should also result in better object model design.

In your case you would define interface IBar in some other module (or even in module that contains Foo class - depends on the usage of that abc). You code then looks like this:

from bar import Bar, IFoo

class Foo(IFoo):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__bar = Bar(self)

# todo: remove this, just sample code
f = Foo()
b = Bar(f)
print f
print b
x = Bar('do not fail me please') # this fails

from abc import ABCMeta
class IFoo:
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

class Bar(object):
    def __init__(self, arg_instance_of_foo):
        if not isinstance(arg_instance_of_foo, IFoo):
            raise TypeError()

The best solution is to not check types.

The other solution is to not create an instance of, and not reference at all, Foo or Bar until both classes are loaded. If the first module is loaded first, don't create a Bar or refer to Bar until after the class Foo statement is executed. Similarly, if the second module is loaded first, don't create a Foo or reference Foo until after the class Bar statement is executed.

This is basically the source of the ImportError, which could be avoided if you did "import foo" and "import bar" instead, and used foo.Foo where you now use Foo, and bar.Bar where you now use Bar. In doing this, you no longer refer to either of them until a Foo or Bar is created, which hopefully won't happen until after both are created (or else you'll get an AttributeError).