python snake water gun program in python code example

Example: snake water gun game in python

# Snake water gun game in python 
Snake vs. Water: Snake drinks the water hence wins.
Water vs. Gun: The gun will drown in water, hence a point for water
Gun vs. Snake: Gun will kill the snake and win.
In situations where both players choose the same object, the result will be a draw.

import random
user = 0
computer = 0
turns = 0
while (turns<10):
    a = ['Snake','Water','Gun']
    pc = random.choice(a)
    turns +=1
    dic = {1:'Snake',2:'Water',3:'Gun'}
    b = int(input('1.Snake,2.Water,3.Gun'))
    if b in dic:
        if pc == 'Snake':
            if dic[b] == 'Snake':
                print('its tie')
            elif dic[b] == 'Water':
                print('PC wins')
                computer +=1
            elif dic[b] == 'Gun':
                print('user wins')
        elif pc == 'Water':
            if dic[b] == 'Snake':
                print('user wins')
            elif dic[b] == 'Water':
                print('its tie')
            elif dic[b] == 'Gun':
                print('computer wins')
                computer +=1
         elif pc == 'Gun':
            if dic[b] == 'Snake':
                print('PC wins')
            elif dic[b] == 'Water':
                print('user wins')
            elif dic[b] == 'Gun':
                print('its a tie')
        print('retry entry')

print('Game over', 'user:',user,'computer:',computer)