Python read-only lists using the property decorator

You could have method return a wrapper around your original list -- collections.Sequence might be of help for writing it. Or, you could return a tuple -- The overhead of copying a list into a tuple is often negligible.

Ultimately though, if a user wants to change the underlying list, they can and there's really nothing you can do to stop them. (After all, they have direct access to self._myList if they want it).

I think that the pythonic way to do something like this is to document that they shouldn't change the list and that if the do, then it's their fault when their program crashes and burns.

despite the fact that I've made it a property

It does not matter if it's a property, you are returning a pointer to the list so you can modify it.

I'd suggest creating a list subclass and overriding append and __add__ methods

The proposed solutions of returning a tuple or subclassing list for the return, seem like nice solutions, but i was wondering whether it wouldn't be easier to subclass the decorator instead? Not sure it this might be a stupid idea:

  • using this safe_property protects against accidental sending mixed API signals (internal immutable attributes are "protected" against all operations, while the for mutable attributes, some operations are still allowed with the normal property builtin)
  • advantage: easier to use than to implement custom return types everywhere -> easier to internalize
  • disadvantage: necessity to use different name
class FrozenList(list):

    def _immutable(self, *args, **kws):
        raise TypeError('cannot change object - object is immutable')

    pop = _immutable
    remove = _immutable
    append = _immutable
    clear = _immutable
    extend = _immutable
    insert = _immutable
    reverse = _immutable

class FrozenDict(dict):

    def _immutable(self, *args, **kws):
        raise TypeError('cannot change object - object is immutable')

    __setitem__ = _immutable
    __delitem__ = _immutable
    pop = _immutable
    popitem = _immutable
    clear = _immutable
    update = _immutable
    setdefault = _immutable

class safe_property(property):

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        candidate = super().__get__(obj, objtype)
        if isinstance(candidate, dict):
            return FrozenDict(candidate)
        elif isinstance(candidate, list):
            return FrozenList(candidate)
        elif isinstance(candidate, set):
            return frozenset(candidate)
            return candidate

class Foo:

    def __init__(self):
        self._internal_lst = [1]

    def internal_lst(self):
        return self._internal_lst

    def internal_lst_safe(self):
        return self._internal_lst

if __name__ == '__main__':

    foo = Foo()

    # foo._internal_lst is now [1, 2]
    # this throws an exception

Very much interested in other opinions on this as i haven't seen this implemented somewhere else.