Python recursively replace character in keys of nested dictionary?

Yes, there exists better way:

def print_dict(d):
    new = {}
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            v = print_dict(v)
        new[k.replace('.', '-')] = v
    return new

(Edit: It's recursion, more on Wikipedia.)

Actually all of the answers contain a mistake that may lead to wrong typing in the result.

I'd take the answer of @ngenain and improve it a bit below.

My solution will take care about the types derived from dict (OrderedDict, defaultdict, etc) and also about not only list, but set and tuple types.

I also do a simple type check in the beginning of the function for the most common types to reduce the comparisons count (may give a bit of speed in the large amounts of the data).

Works for Python 3. Replace obj.items() with obj.iteritems() for Py2.

def change_keys(obj, convert):
    Recursively goes through the dictionary obj and replaces keys with the convert function.
    if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float)):
        return obj
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        new = obj.__class__()
        for k, v in obj.items():
            new[convert(k)] = change_keys(v, convert)
    elif isinstance(obj, (list, set, tuple)):
        new = obj.__class__(change_keys(v, convert) for v in obj)
        return obj
    return new

If I understand the needs right, most of users want to convert the keys to use them with mongoDB that does not allow dots in key names.

I used the code by @horejsek, but I adapted it to accept nested dictionaries with lists and a function that replaces the string.

I had a similar problem to solve: I wanted to replace keys in underscore lowercase convention for camel case convention and vice versa.

def change_dict_naming_convention(d, convert_function):
    Convert a nested dictionary from one convention to another.
        d (dict): dictionary (nested or not) to be converted.
        convert_function (func): function that takes the string in one convention and returns it in the other one.
        Dictionary with the new keys.
    new = {}
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        new_v = v
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            new_v = change_dict_naming_convention(v, convert_function)
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            new_v = list()
            for x in v:
                new_v.append(change_dict_naming_convention(x, convert_function))
        new[convert_function(k)] = new_v
    return new