stegnography python code code example

Example: stegnography python code

from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter import filedialog
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math

global path_image

image_display_size = 300, 300

def on_click():
    # Step 1.5
    global path_image
    # use the tkinter filedialog library to open the file using a dialog box.
    # obtain the image of the path
    path_image = filedialog.askopenfilename()
    # load the image using the path
    load_image =
    # set the image into the GUI using the thumbnail function from tkinter
    load_image.thumbnail(image_display_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    # load the image as a numpy array for efficient computation and change the type to unsigned integer
    np_load_image = np.asarray(load_image)
    np_load_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(np_load_image))
    render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(np_load_image)
    img = Label(app, image=render)
    img.image = render, y=50)

def encrypt_data_into_image():
    # Step 2
    global path_image
    data = txt.get(1.0, "end-1c")
    # load the image
    img = cv2.imread(path_image)
    # break the image into its character level. Represent the characyers in ASCII.
    data = [format(ord(i), '08b') for i in data]
    _, width, _ = img.shape
    # algorithm to encode the image
    PixReq = len(data) * 3

    RowReq = PixReq/width
    RowReq = math.ceil(RowReq)

    count = 0
    charCount = 0
    # Step 3
    for i in range(RowReq + 1):
        # Step 4
        while(count < width and charCount < len(data)):
            char = data[charCount]
            charCount += 1
            # Step 5
            for index_k, k in enumerate(char):
                if((k == '1' and img[i][count][index_k % 3] % 2 == 0) or (k == '0' and img[i][count][index_k % 3] % 2 == 1)):
                    img[i][count][index_k % 3] -= 1
                if(index_k % 3 == 2):
                    count += 1
                if(index_k == 7):
                    if(charCount*3 < PixReq and img[i][count][2] % 2 == 1):
                        img[i][count][2] -= 1
                    if(charCount*3 >= PixReq and img[i][count][2] % 2 == 0):
                        img[i][count][2] -= 1
                    count += 1
        count = 0
    # Step 6
    # Write the encrypted image into a new file
    cv2.imwrite("encrypted_image.png", img)
    # Display the success label.
    success_label = Label(app, text="Encryption Successful!",
                bg='lavender', font=("Times New Roman", 20)), y=300)

# Step 1
# Defined the TKinter object app with background lavender, title Encrypt, and app size 600*600 pixels.
app = Tk()
# create a button for calling the function on_click
on_click_button = Button(app, text="Choose Image", bg='white', fg='black', command=on_click), y=10)
# add a text box using tkinter's Text function and place it at (340,55). The text box is of height 165pixels.
txt = Text(app, wrap=WORD, width=30), y=55, height=165)

encrypt_button = Button(app, text="Encode", bg='white', fg='black', command=encrypt_data_into_image), y=230)