python using variables from another file

It’s called importing.

If this is

verb_list = [

and this is

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

import data
print data.verb_list

Then running will access verb_list from

You might want to work through the Modules section of the Python tutorial.

If verb_list is stored in a script that you want to do other things too, then you will run into a problem where the script runs when all you’d like to do is import its variables. In that case the standard thing to do is to keep all of the script functionality in a function called main(), and then use a magic incantation:

verb_list = [

def main():
    print 'The verbs are', verb_list

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now the code in main() won’t run if all you do is import data. If you’re interested, Python creator Guido van Rossum has written an article on writing more elaborate Python main() functions.

You can import the variables from the file:

verb_list = [x, y, z]
other_list = [1, 2, 3]
something_else = False

from vardata import verb_list, other_list
import random

print random.choice(verb_list) 

you can also do:

from vardata import *

to import everything from that file. Be careful with this though. You don't want to have name collisions.

Alternatively, you can just import the file and access the variables though its namespace:

import vardata
print vardata.something_else

