IPython: redirecting output of a Python script to a file (like bash >)

To quickly store text contained in a variable while working in IPython use %store with > or >>:

%store VARIABLE >>file.txt (appends)
%store VARIABLE >file.txt (overwrites)

(Make sure there is no space immediately following the > or >>)

For just one script to run I would do the redirection in bash

ipython -c "execfile('my_script.py')" > my_output.txt

On python 3, execfile does not exist any more, so use this instead

ipython -c "exec(open('my_script.py').read())" > my_output.txt

Be careful with the double vs single quotes.

IPython has its own context manager for capturing stdout/err, but it doesn't redirect to files, it redirects to an object:

from IPython.utils import io
with io.capture_output() as captured:
    %run my_script.py

print captured.stdout # prints stdout from your script

And this functionality is exposed in a %%capture cell-magic, as illustrated in the Cell Magics example notebook.

It's a simple context manager, so you can write your own version that would redirect to files:

class redirect_output(object):
    """context manager for reditrecting stdout/err to files"""

    def __init__(self, stdout='', stderr=''):
        self.stdout = stdout
        self.stderr = stderr

    def __enter__(self):
        self.sys_stdout = sys.stdout
        self.sys_stderr = sys.stderr

        if self.stdout:
            sys.stdout = open(self.stdout, 'w')
        if self.stderr:
            if self.stderr == self.stdout:
                sys.stderr = sys.stdout
                sys.stderr = open(self.stderr, 'w')

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        sys.stdout = self.sys_stdout
        sys.stderr = self.sys_stderr

which you would invoke with:

with redirect_output("my_output.txt"):
    %run my_script.py



