Qt Color Picker Widget?

Have you looked at the QtColorPicker, part of Qt Solutions?


QtColorPicker provides a small widget in the form of a QComboBox with a customizable set of predefined colors for easy and fast access. Clicking the ... button will open the QColorDialog. It's licensed under LGPL so with dynamic linking and proper attribution it can be used in commercial software. Search for QtColorPicker and you'll find it. Here's a link to one site that hosts many of the Qt Solutions components:


Qt doesn't offer anything simpler than QColorDialog natively, but there are several color picking widgets as part of wwWidgets, a user made set of widgets for Qt (note that this is "wwWidgets" with a "w" and not "wxWidgets" with an "x").

There's a very easy way to implement that using a QPushButton to display the current color and pickup one when it is clicked:


#include <QPushButton>
#include <QColor>

class SelectColorButton : public QPushButton
    SelectColorButton( QWidget* parent );

    void setColor( const QColor& color );
    const QColor& getColor();

public slots:
    void updateColor();
    void changeColor();

    QColor color;


#include <QColorDialog>

SelectColorButton::SelectColorButton( QWidget* parent )
    connect( this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeColor()) );

void SelectColorButton::updateColor()
    setStyleSheet( "background-color: " + color.name() );

void SelectColorButton::changeColor()
    QColor newColor = QColorDialog::getColor(color,parentWidget());
    if ( newColor != color )
        setColor( newColor );

void SelectColorButton::setColor( const QColor& color )
    this->color = color;

const QColor& SelectColorButton::getColor()
    return color;