QTableWidget - putting multiple lines of text in one row

You can also simply use \n to start new line in a cell :-)

For example:


    QTableWidgetItem *newItem = new QTableWidgetItem("Line 1 \n Line 2");

I can think about 2 ways to force tablewidget to render multi-line text:

  1. Setup QStyledItemDelegate item delegate and render text yourself in the delegates paint method. Here you can find an example of you could do the same thing to a listview.

  2. Another solution would be to set QTextEdit as a cell widget to the table widget via setCellWidget method.

Below is an example for #2:

QTableWidget* tableWidget = new QTableWidget(3, 2, this);
tableWidget->setGeometry(20, 20, 300, 300);

for (int row = 0; row<3; row++)
    for (int column=0; column<2; column++)
        QTableWidgetItem *newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(tr("%1 long long long long long long text").arg((row+1)*(column+1)));
        tableWidget->setItem(row, column, newItem);
    QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit();
    edit->setText(tableWidget->item(row, 0)->text());
    tableWidget->setCellWidget(row, 0, edit);

hope this helps, regards

just make vertical headers to fit the contents then use a text as long as you want.



