Rails routes with :name instead of :id url parameters

Good answer with Rails 4.0+ :

resources :companies, param: :name

optionally you can use only: or except: list to specify routes

and if you want to construct a URL, you can override ActiveRecord::Base#to_param of a related model:

class Video < ApplicationRecord
  def to_param

  # or
  alias_method :to_param, :identifier

video = Video.find_by(identifier: "Roman-Holiday")
edit_videos_path(video) # => "/videos/Roman-Holiday"


The bottom line is you're looking at the wrong solution - the params hash keys are rather irrelevant, you need to be able to use the data contained inside them more effectively.

Your routes will be constructed as:

resources :controller #-> domain.com/controller/:id

This means if you request this route: domain.com/controller/your_resource, the params[:id] hash value will be your_resource (doesn't matter if it's called params[:name] or params[:id])



The reason you have several answers recommending friendly_id is because this overrides the find method of ActiveRecord, allowing you to use a slug in your query:

Class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :name, use: [:slugged, :finders]

This allows you to do this:

def show
    @model = Model.find params[:id] #-> this can be the "name" of your record, or "id"