React: reading data passed as parameter in history.push

Okay,after struggling for 4 days and twitching around the answers given by Luna and JupiterAmy, here is what worked for me:

inside the Login.jsx

          pathname : '/Taskactive',
          state :{
          role_id : responseJson.userFormat,
          userName : this.userName,
          userid: this.refs.usrname.value

and in Taskactive.jsx


Hope this could help somebody in future.

change this

            role_id : this.userFormat,
            userName : this.userName

to this:

          pathname: '/Taskactive',
          appState: {
            role_id : this.userFormat,
            userName : this.userName

And inside the component which you are rendering for path /Taskactive, you can access the values as this.props.location.appState.role_id or this.props.location.appState.userName You can also change the name of Object(which I have kept as state) to your wish.

Hope this helps.