React: Script tag not working when inserted using dangerouslySetInnerHTML

Here's a bit of a dirty way of getting it done , A bit of an explanation as to whats happening here , you extract the script contents via a regex , and only render html using react , then after the component is mounted the content in script tag is run on a global scope.

var x = '<html><scr'+'ipt>alert("");function pClicked() {console.log("p is clicked");}</scr'+'ipt><body><p onClick="pClicked()">Hello</p></body></html>';

var extractscript=/<script>(.+)<\/script>/gi.exec(x);

var Hello = React.createClass({
  displayName: 'Hello',
  componentDidMount: function() {
    // this runs the contents in script tag on a window/global scope

  render: function() {
    return (<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: x}} />);


I created a React component that works pretty much like dangerouslySetInnerHtml but additionally it executes all the js code that it finds on the html string, check it out, it might help you: