ReactJs Select add default value

Use defaultValue to select the default value.

    const statusOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: 'Publish' },
        { value: 0, label: 'Unpublish' }
    const [statusValue, setStatusValue] = useState('');
    const handleStatusChange = e => {

<Select options={statusOptions} defaultValue={[{ value: published, label: published == 1 ? 'Publish' : 'Unpublish' }]} onChange={handleStatusChange} value={statusOptions.find(obj => obj.value === statusValue)} required />

You can just add a value property to the select element, set by your state.

<select value={this.state.valSelected} onChange={this.valSelected.bind(this)}>
    {, index){
        return <option value={name}>{name}</option>;

This is described here in the react docs: Doc Link

Then set a default state for the component, either in the constructor or with getInitialState: What is the difference between using constructor vs getInitialState in React / React Native?