@readfile in php?

It's error control operator. Manual will tell you everything...

It is PHP's error suppression operator. With it you can suppress error messages.


Simply don’t use the error suppression operator with speed-critical code.


Because @ operator is very slow, it won't work on ini_set eg @ini_set in future version of PHP eg PHP6

Important Reading:

Bad uses of the @ operator

An @ before a command in PHP means that no errors are printed. It's called the error control operator.

If you removed the @ and readfile would encounter an error (such as not being able to read the file), then—depending on your PHP settings—the error message will be amidst your site content; something you rarely, if ever, want. (It gets worse even, if this happens before a call to header() or start_session() because once content is sent, the headers can't be written anymore.)

I refer to @ as being the "stfu operator".


