Rearranging a Dataset
If we assume that we are starting from the exhibited dataset:
dataset = Dataset@assoc;
... then we can reshape it like this:
dataset[All, Apply@Association]
Or, equivalently:
This will also do the trick, although it is a little messy since MapThread
presently lacks an operator form:
dataset[{Keys, Values}][MapThread[Association, #]&]
And here is yet another way:
dataset[All, <| Keys@#, Values@# |> &]
test = {<|"name" -> "alpha", "group" -> "one"|> -> {<|"value" -> 459|>},
<|"name" -> "beta", "group" -> "two"|> -> {<|"value" -> -338|>},
<|"name" -> "gamma", "group" -> "two"|> -> {<|"value" -> 363|>}};
Association /@ Flatten /@ Normal[test /. Rule -> List] // Dataset
(* or Dataset[Join@@@({#,Sequence@@#2}&@@@test)] *)