Recursive make in subdirectories

The above answers work well when all of the subdirectories have Makefiles. It is not that difficult to only run make on the directories that contain Makefile, nor is it difficult to restrict the number of levels to recurse. In my sample code, I restrict the search for makefiles to the subdirectories immediately below the parent directory. The filter-out statement (line 2) prevents this Makefile from being included in the recursive makes.

MAKEFILES = $(shell find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name Makefile)
SUBDIRS   = $(filter-out ./,$(dir $(MAKEFILES)))

    for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
        make -C $$dir all; \

@eldar-abusalimov, the first link you posted assumes the makefile knows what are the subfolders. This is not always true, and I guess thats what @tyranitar would like to know. In that case, such a solution can do the job: (took me some time, but I needed it too)


    @for a in $$(ls); do \
        if [ -d $$a ]; then \
            echo "processing folder $$a"; \
            $(MAKE) -C $$a; \
        fi; \
    @echo "Done!"

  1. Read Recursive Use of Make chapter of GNU Make manual.
  2. Learn Peter Miller's Recursive Make Considered Harmful article.
  3. ...
  4. PROFIT!!!

P.S. A code snippet from my answer to a different yet related question could be used as a rough approximation.