Redux not updating properties in IE11
This problem is because of IE11's poor ES6 suppport. I found that you need to polyfill both Promises
and Object.assign
As for Babel, it's probably due to Babel transpiling only non-standard code to standard code. Most browsers already implement Promises
by default so I guess the newest Babel versions doesn't need to transpile it to ES5 code anymore
Had a similar Problem, but the solution was not related to Polyfill (babel-polyfill) as I already had them imported, but to my axios instance configuration. I found the answer to my problem here. Basically all I had to do was disable caching by adding the following header in my axios instance configuration:
const instance = axios.create({
headers: {
Pragma: "no-cache"
Evidently the other browsers (firefox, chrome etc.) do not cache as much by requests, but in case of IE one has to set these headers explicitly.