RegEx expression that will capture everything between two characters including multiline blocks

Which regex engine are you using?


should work with the "dot matches newline" option enabled. If you don't know how to set that, try




No need to escape <, %, or > by the way.

\<\%(.*?)\%\>. You need to use .*? to get non-greedy pattern matching.

EDIT To solve the multiline problem, you can't use the . wildcard, as it matches everything except newline. This option differs depending on your regular expressions engine. So, I can tell you what to do if you tell me your regex engine.

I've been using Microsoft's Regex engine (provided by JScript in IE) and it has a 'multi-line' switch that effects the behaviour of ., but then still I've had problems I had to resolve using [\u0000-\uFFFF] which matches everything including EOL's or any control chars...

So have a go with <%([\u0000-\uFFFF]*?)%>

