Reload content in modal (twitter bootstrap)

To unload the data when the modal is closed you can use this with Bootstrap 2.x:

$('#myModal').on('hidden', function() {

And in Bootstrap 3 (

$(document.body).on('', function () {

//Edit SL: more universal
$(document).on('', function (e) {

I guess the way of doing this will be to remove the data-toggle attribute and have a custom handler for the links.

Something in the lines of:

$("a[data-target=#myModal]").click(function(ev) {
    var target = $(this).attr("href");
    // load the url and show modal on success
    $("#myModal .modal-body").load(target, function() { 

You can force Modal to refresh the popup by adding this line at the end of the hide method of the Modal plugin (If you are using bootstrap-transition.js v2.1.1, it should be at line 836)


Or with an event listener

$('#modal').on('hidden', function() {

With Bootstrap 3 you can use '' event handler to delete any modal-related data, forcing the popup to reload next time:

$('#modal').on('', function() {