Remote deluge daemon connection

It turns out the fact that it was running as a user called "deluge" is significant. The guide had me set deluge's home directory to /var/lib/deluge, where there was a second configuration directory - the one which was actually read by the daemon. When I used the password for localclient from that auth, instead of the previous <a long string>, I was able to use deluge-console as expected. I was able to complete the guide and give myself remote access by modifying that auth file and ignoring the one in my home directory.

I would leave a comment to Adam's answer, but I don't have the reputation to do that. Adam's answer worked for me, but I thought it would be helpful to be a little more explicit about the steps necessary to fix this problem.

  1. Open /var/lib/deluge/.config/deluge/auth in a text editor.
  2. Copy the password found there.
  3. Open ~/.config/deluge/auth in a text editor.
  4. Paste the password from the other auth file here.

Worked for me -- now I can use the GTK UI and the console client.


