Remove Hover Tip Visual Studio Code

From vscode docs Hover display options:

  • use editor.hover.enabled to toggle the editor hover
  • use editor.hover.delay to customize the time until the hover is shown
  • use editor.hover.sticky to change if the hover should remain visible when moving the mouse over it.

The editor.hover.sticky is particularly useful if you still like the popup but don't like the default behavior that blocks your cursor. But bear in mind it will make certain popups with which you need to interact (such as CSS color picker) useless.

I also struggled with this, and finally submitted an issue to the vscode repo.

Please try this:

  1. On the menu bar: File>Preferences>User Settings
  2. Add the following to your settings.json:

    "editor.hover.enabled": false
  3. Save your settings.json and your issue should be fixed.

Happy coding!