Remove space in empty node so that draw line is connected
You can use a coordinate
\coordinate[right of=hsum] (cont);
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=3em, minimum width=3em, node distance=2cm, line width=1pt]
\tikzstyle{sum} = [draw, shape=circle, node distance=1.5cm, line width=1pt, minimum width=1.25em]
\tikzstyle{connection}=[inner sep=0,outer sep=0]
%Creating Blocks and Connection Nodes
\coordinate (input);
\node [block, right of=input] (h1) {$0.99$};
\node [right of=h1] (hsum) {};
\coordinate[right of=hsum] (cont);
\path (h1) -- coordinate (hmed) (h1);
%Connecting Blocks
\begin{scope}[line width=1pt]
\draw (input) -- (h1);\draw (h1) -- (cont);
%Creating Blocks and Connection Nodes
\node [block, right of=cont] (m1) {$0.18$};\node [block, right of=m1] (m2) {$0.16$};
\node [right of=m2] (msum) {};
\node [connection, right of=msum] (output) {};
\path (m1) -- coordinate (mmed) (m2);
%Connecting Blocks
\begin{scope}[line width=1pt]
\draw (cont) -- (m1);\draw (m1) -- (m2);\draw (m2) -- (output);
If you want to stick to the node
, use
for the connections instead of cont
\draw (input) -- (h1);\draw (h1) -- (;
Code again:
\tikzset{block/.style = {draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=3em, minimum width=3em, node
distance=2cm, line width=1pt},
sum/.style = {draw, shape=circle, node distance=1.5cm, line width=1pt, minimum
connection/.style={inner sep=0,outer sep=0}
%Creating Blocks and Connection Nodes
\coordinate (input);
\node [block, right of=input] (h1) {$0.99$};
\node [right of=h1] (hsum) {};
\node [connection, right of=hsum] (cont) {};
\path (h1) -- coordinate (hmed) (h1);
%Connecting Blocks
\begin{scope}[line width=1pt]
\draw (input) -- (h1);\draw (h1) -- (;
%Creating Blocks and Connection Nodes
\node [block, right of=cont] (m1) {$0.18$};\node [block, right of=m1] (m2) {$0.16$};
\node [right of=m2] (msum) {};
\node [connection, right of=msum] (output) {};
\path (m1) -- coordinate (mmed) (m2);
%Connecting Blocks
\begin{scope}[line width=1pt]
\draw ( -- (m1);\draw (m1) -- (m2);\draw (m2) -- (output);
Also, use tikzset
instead of tikzstyle
(deprecated) as I did in the second code.