Remove vertical dotted indentation lines in Visual Studio 2017

Just press ctrl+E,S and it will be removed.

There is an option under Tools → Options → Text Editor called Show structure guide lines that should remove that.

The same thing in VS2019 is called Show guides for declaration level constructs in the section of ToolsOptionsBlock Structure Guides; you might want to uncheck Show guides for code level constructs as well.

enter image description here

In the last version of Visual Studio Code, downloaded in July/2017 (please note that this is not Visual Studio, but as @tambre pointed out, this may help in VS too), the name of this setting changed:

Go to the menu Code->Preference->Settings and search for "renderIndentGuides". The complete setting should appear as:

  "editor.renderIndentGuides": true,

Change it to false and that's it.