Rendering parts into different zones in Orchard CMS

If you mean sending parts to a zone that is not inside the top-level Content zone, you can try this approach: We are also considering various extensions to placement for future versions of Orchard.

As of Orchard 1.5 you can inject a part into any zone using your theme's file. This uses zone placement.

Here is an example that would place blog post's tags in the AssideFirst zone when the blog post was being shown in detail view.

    <Match ContentType="BlogPost">
        <Match DisplayType="Detail">
            <Place Parts_Tags_ShowTags="/AssideFirst:1"/>

The number after the zone name is the position. A smaller number will make it appear above other widgets in this zone and a larger number will make it appear lower down.

You can customize content parts' display properties via file. It's a very simple, yet powerful tool that allows you to change rendering zones, parts' ordering and such.

Could you please elaborate more about your scenario?