Replace all strings "<" and ">" in a variable with "&lt;" and "&gt;"

look here:

just use this regex to replace all:

str = str.replace(/\</g,"&lt;")   //for <
str = str.replace(/\>/g,"&gt;")   //for >

To store an arbitrary string in XML, use the native XML capabilities of the browser. It will be a hell of a lot simpler that way, plus you will never have to think about the edge cases again (for example attribute values that contain quotes or pointy brackets).

A tip to think of when working with XML: Do never ever ever build XML from strings by concatenation if there is any way to avoid it. You will get yourself into trouble that way. There are APIs to handle XML, use them.

Going from your code, I would suggest the following:

$(function() {

  $("#addbutton").click(function() {
    var eventXml = XmlCreate("<event/>");
    var $event   = $(eventXml);

    $event.attr("title", $("#titlefield").val());
    $event.attr("start", [$("#bmonth").val(), $("#bday").val(), $("#byear").val()].join(" "));

    if (parseInt($("#eyear").val()) > 0) {
      $event.attr("end", [$("#emonth").val(), $("#eday").val(), $("#eyear").val()].join(" "));
      $event.attr("isDuration", "true");
    } else {
      $event.attr("isDuration", "false");

    $event.text( tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent() );

    $("#outputtext").val( XmlSerialize(eventXml) );


// helper function to create an XML DOM Document
function XmlCreate(xmlString) {
  var x;
  if (typeof DOMParser === "function") {
    var p = new DOMParser();
    x = p.parseFromString(xmlString,"text/xml");
  } else {
    x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    x.async = false;
  return x.documentElement;

// helper function to turn an XML DOM Document into a string
function XmlSerialize(xml) {
  var s;
  if (typeof XMLSerializer === "function") {
    var x = new XMLSerializer();
    s = x.serializeToString(xml);
  } else {
    s = xml.xml;
  return s

You might use a regular expression with the "g" (global match) flag.

var entities = {'<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;'};

    /[<>]/g, function (s) {
        return entities[s];