Replacing characters in a String in Scala

You can map strings directly:

def removeZero(s: String) = => if(c == '0') ' ' else c)

alternatively you could use replace:

s.replace('0', ' ')

Very simple:

scala> "FooN00b".filterNot(_ == '0')
res0: String = FooNb

To replace some characters with others:

scala> "FooN00b" map { case '0' => 'o'  case 'N' => 'D'  case c => c }
res1: String = FooDoob

To replace one character with some arbitrary number of characters:

scala> "FooN00b" flatMap { case '0' => "oOo"  case 'N' => ""  case c => s"$c" }
res2: String = FoooOooOob