replacing null values in a Pandas Dataframe using applymap
You can use pd.isnull()
In [4]:
def get_rid_of_nulls(value):
if pd.isnull(value):
return 'Is Null value'
return value
0 69
1 49
2 Is Null value
3 54
4 Is Null value
Name: Age, dtype: object
Similarly you can use the property that NaN
does not equal itself:
In [5]:
def get_rid_of_nulls(value):
if value != value:
return 'Is Null value'
return value
0 69
1 49
2 Is Null value
3 54
4 Is Null value
Name: Age, dtype: object
As there is "replacing" in your title, and you mentioned fillna
but not the replace()
method, you can also obtain the same result doing something like that :
df.Age.replace(np.NaN, 'Is Null value', inplace=True)
# Or, depending on your needs:
df['Age'] = df.Age.replace(np.NaN, 'Is Null value')
# Or without `replace` :
df['Age'] = df.Age.apply(lambda x: x if not pd.isnull(x) else 'Is Null value')