Rescaling a math symbol?

The AMS classes have a \larger command that works out of the box:





enter image description here

This won't work in subscripts/superscripts, though. Unfortunately \text doesn't update \@currsizeindex, so using \text instead of \mbox, which would be the obvious attempt, doesn't give the desired result.

A possible way out is to update the sizes manually:






enter image description here

You can achieve arbitrary scaling with the scalerel package. I demonstrate here with \Alpha as 1.5 times the original. (Note: in this case, \scaleobj is functionally equivalent to a \scalebox that defaults to math mode).

It also automatically obeys the current math style, as shown in the second line.

\( \alpha\Alpha \)

\(\Alpha^{\Alpha^{\Alpha}}\) versus

enter image description here

