Resizing layouts programmatically (as animation)
I wrote a ResizeAnimation for a similar purpose. It's simple but costly.
* an animation for resizing the view.
public class ResizeAnimation extends Animation {
private View mView;
private float mToHeight;
private float mFromHeight;
private float mToWidth;
private float mFromWidth;
public ResizeAnimation(View v, float fromWidth, float fromHeight, float toWidth, float toHeight) {
mToHeight = toHeight;
mToWidth = toWidth;
mFromHeight = fromHeight;
mFromWidth = fromWidth;
mView = v;
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
float height =
(mToHeight - mFromHeight) * interpolatedTime + mFromHeight;
float width = (mToWidth - mFromWidth) * interpolatedTime + mFromWidth;
LayoutParams p = mView.getLayoutParams();
p.height = (int) height;
p.width = (int) width;
class ResizeAnimation(
private val view: View,
private val toHeight: Float,
private val fromHeight: Float,
private val toWidth: Float,
private val fromWidth: Float,
duration: Long
) : Animation() {
init {
this.duration = duration
override fun applyTransformation(
interpolatedTime: Float,
t: Transformation?
) {
val height = (toHeight - fromHeight) * interpolatedTime + fromHeight
val width = (toWidth - fromWidth) * interpolatedTime + fromWidth
val layoutParams = view.layoutParams
layoutParams.height = height.toInt()
layoutParams.width = width.toInt()
Also you can resize with Google's new Spring animations.
SpringAnimation creation method:
fun getSpringAnimation(view: View, springAnimationType: FloatPropertyCompat<View>, finalPosition: Float): SpringAnimation {
val animation = SpringAnimation(view, springAnimationType )
// create a spring with desired parameters
val spring = SpringForce()
spring.finalPosition = finalPosition
spring.stiffness = SpringForce.STIFFNESS_VERY_LOW // optional
spring.dampingRatio = SpringForce.DAMPING_RATIO_NO_BOUNCY // optional
// set your animation's spring
animation.spring = spring
return animation
Usage (Resize to 80% of the original view size.)
getSpringAnimation(view, SpringAnimation.SCALE_X, 0.8f).start()
getSpringAnimation(view, SpringAnimation.SCALE_Y, 0.8f).start()
On Honeycomb (Android 3.0) there is the Animator
and ObjectAnimator
classes for smoother animations.
Read it here
Example on how to animate the move of a view group (LinearLayout) with a bounce interpolator.
BounceInterpolator bounceInterpolator = new BounceInterpolator();
ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myViewGroup, "translationY", 0f, -200 );
This will trigger a smooth animation with a bounce effect and really move the views not like animation prior to Honeycomb. From the docs :
The previous animations changed the visual appearance of the target objects... but they didn't actually change the objects themselves.