Returning a QueryDSL BooleanExpression that evaluates to true

How do I return a BooleanExpression that evaluates to true?

BooleanExpression alwaysTrue = Expressions.asBoolean(true).isTrue();

I create a QueryDSLHelper class which has static methods which do the null check before adding the expression. Something like this:

public static void goe(BooleanBuilder builder, DateTimePath<Date> path, Date value) {
    if(date!=null) {

public static void like(BooleanBuilder builder, StringPath path, String value) {
    if(value!=null) {

Now I can just statically import those methods and call them on one line:

        like(builder, book.isbn, isbn);

This is extremely useful and very clean/readable when implementing 'filter' or 'filterByExample' queries.

Although, the answer above from Timo is probably better solution.

With java 8 and BooleanBuilder you can achieve elegant way like this:

Java 8 Optional & Lambda

public final class ProductQuery {
    public static BooleanExpression nameEqualTo(String name){
        return ofNullable(name).map(;


BooleanBuilder where = new BooleanBuilder()

You can safely use null predicates like this

private BooleanExpression isFirstNameLike(String firstName){
    return firstName != null ? : null;        

private BooleanExpression isStatusEq(StatusEnum status){
    return status != null ? customer.status.eq(status) : null;

And use the varargs aspect of where
