Reverse the order of pause when used with a stack

Instead of using \pause I'd recommend using a key visible on as defined in the preamble of the following MWE. The trick is to enclose each level of stack in a scope environment, and pass the key visible on=<num> to the environment to set the overlay effects. I also had to redefine the \cellptr command in the drawstack package to prevent the top right arrow to wiggle between frames.


  visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
  alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
      \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path

  \draw[<-,line width=0.7pt] (0,0) +(2,0) -- +(2.5,0) node[anchor=west] {#1};

\begin{scope}[visible on=<4->]
  \stacktop{} \cellptr{top of stack}
\begin{scope}[visible on=<3->]
  \cell{c} \cellcomL{2};
\begin{scope}[visible on=<2->]
  \cell{b} \cellcomL{1};
\begin{scope}[visible on=<1->]
  \cell{a} \cellcomL{0};


enter image description here

A solution with a simple tabular:


\begin{frame}{Stack with a tabular}\arrayrulewidth=1pt
 \begin{tabular}{@{} l | 
    >{\columncolor{black!10}\centering\rule[-2ex]{0pt}{5ex}}p{3cm} |@{} r}\cline{2-2}
    & \ldots & $\longleftarrow$ top of stack \\\cline{2-2} \onslide<3->
  2 &   c    &                   \\\cline{2-2} \onslide<2->
  1 &   b    &                   \\\cline{2-2} \onslide<1->
  0 &   a    &                   \\\cline{2-2}  

enter image description here

Another solution with a simple makebox and without holes:


\begin{frame}{Stack with Boxes}\offinterlineskip
\onslide+<1->{\MBox{}{\ldots}$\longleftarrow$ top of stack\\}
\only<3->   {\MBox2c\\}
\only<2->   {\MBox1b\\}
\only<1->   {\MBox0a}

enter image description here