RoR - Don't destroy object, just flag as hidden

Implement it yourself (rather than using a gem). It's much, much easier than it seems at first, and it's less complex than any of the gems out there that change the meaning of the destroy method, which is a bad idea, in my opinion.

I'm not saying that using the gems themselves are complex - I'm saying that by changing the meaning of the destroy method you're changing the meaning of something that people in the Rails world take for granted - that when you call destroy that record is going to go away and that destroy maybe also be called on dependent objects if they are chained together via dependent: destroy callbacks.

Changing the meaning of destroy is also bad because in the "convention over configuration" world, when you screw with conventions you're essentially breaking the "automagic-ness" of your Rails code. All that stuff you take for granted because you read a piece of Rails code and you know that certain assumptions generally apply - those go out the window. When you change those assumptions in ways that aren't obvious you're almost certain to introduce a bug down the line because of it.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing better than actually reading the code for checking your assumptions, but it's also nice, as a community, to be able to talk about certain things and generally have their behavior act in a certain way.

Consider the following:

  • There's nothing in Rails that says you have to implement the destroy action in the controller, so don't. It's one of the standard actions, but it's not required.
  • Use the update action to set and clear an archived boolean attribute (or something similarly named)
  • I've used the acts_as_paranoid gem, and if you need to add any scopes to your models (other than the ones the gem provides) you're going to find yourself having to hack your way around it, turning off the default "hide archived records" scope, and when you run into that it almost immediately loses its value. Besides, that gem does almost nothing on its own, and its functionality could easily be written yourself (and I mean barely more work than installing the gem itself), so there's really no benefit to using it from that perspective.
  • As previously stated, overriding the destroy method or action is a bad idea because it breaks the Rails (and ActiveRecord) convention as to what it means to call destroy on an object. Any gem that does this (acts_as_paranoid for example) is also breaking that convention, and you're going to wind up confusing yourself or someone else because destroy simply won't mean what it's supposed to mean. This adds confusion, not clarity to your code. Don't do this - you'll pay for it later.
  • If you want to use a soft-delete gem because you are protecting against some theoretical, future developer who might hork up your data...well, the best solution to that is not to hire or work with those people. People that inexperienced need mentorship, not a gem to prevent them from making mistakes.
  • If you really, absolutely, must prevent destroying a record of a given model (in addition to being able to simply archive it), then use the before_destroy callback and simply return false, which will prevent it from being destroyed at all unless an explicit call to delete is used (which isn't the same as destroy anyway). Also, having the callback in place makes it (a) really obvious why destroy doesn't work without changing its meaning, and (b) it's easy to write a test to make sure it's not destroyable. This means in the future, if you should accidentally remove that callback or do something else that makes that model destroyable, then a test will fail, alerting you to the situation.

Something like this:

class Point < ActiveRecord::Base

  def archive        
    update_attribute!(:displayed, false)


And then call @point.archive in the destroy action of your controller where you would normally call @point.destroy. You can also create a default_scope to hide archived points until you explicitly query for them, seethe RoR guide on appling a default scope.

Edit: Updated my answer as per normalocity & logan's comments below.

Look at the acts_as_archive gem. It will do soft deletes seamlessly.