Round a decimal number to the first decimal position that is not zero

var value = 0.000000564;

int cnt = 0;
bool hitNum = false;
var tempVal = value;
while (!hitNum)
    if(tempVal > 1)
        hitNum = true;
        tempVal *= 10;

var newValue = (decimal)Math.Round(value, cnt);

Something like that ?

    public decimal SpecialRound(decimal value) 
        int posDot = value.ToString().IndexOf('.'); // Maybe use something about cultural (in Fr it's ",")
        if(posDot == -1)
            return value;

        int posFirstNumber = value.ToString().IndexOfAny(new char[9] {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}, posDot);

        return Math.Round(value, posFirstNumber);

I would declare precision variable and use a iteration multiplies that variable by 10 with the original value it didn't hit, that precision will add 1.

then use precision variable be Math.Round second parameter.

I had added some modifications to the method which can support not only zero decimal points but also all decimal numbers.

static decimal RoundFirstSignificantDigit(decimal input) {

    if(input == 0)
       return input;

    int precision = 0;
    var val = input - Math.Round(input,0);
    while (Math.Abs(val) < 1)
        val *= 10;
    return Math.Round(input, precision);

I would write an extension method for this function.

public static class FloatExtension
    public static decimal RoundFirstSignificantDigit(this decimal input)
        if(input == 0)
            return input;

        int precision = 0;
        var val = input - Math.Round(input,0);
        while (Math.Abs(val) < 1)
            val *= 10;
        return Math.Round(input, precision);

then use like

decimal input = 0.00001;

c# online


(-0.001m).RoundFirstSignificantDigit()                  -0.001
(-0.00367m).RoundFirstSignificantDigit()                -0.004
(0.000000564m).RoundFirstSignificantDigit()             0.0000006
(0.00000432907543029m).RoundFirstSignificantDigit()     0.000004