Ruby/RoR - Count occurrence of an element in an array




This works with all the above cases.

In order to count the elements, you obviously have to iterate over the collection. Since iterating over a Hash yields two-element Arrays, the first two are actually exactly the same:

{ 1 => true, 7 => false, 6 => true, 4 => false }.count(&:last)
[[1, true], [7, false], [6, true], [4, false]].count(&:last)

For the simple Array case, you could do something like this:

[true, false, true, false].count(true)

This Array is of course also the same as the Hash#values from your Hash above, so you could use the same method on that:

{ 1 => true, 7 => false, 6 => true, 4 => false }.values.count(true)

If you don't know which one of three you will get, you could use something like this:

{ 1 => true, 7 => false, 6 => true, 4 => false }.flatten.count(true)
[[1, true], [7, false], [6, true], [4, false]].flatten.count(true)
[true, false, true, false].flatten.count(true)

With Enumerable#count:

hash.values.count(true) { |k, v| v }.count(true)

More verbose, but does not create intermediate arrays:

hash_or_array_of_pairs.inject(0) { |acc, (k, v)| acc + (v == true ? 1 : 0) }

Ruby 2.7+

Ruby 2.7 is introducing Enumerable#tally (and possibly tally_by) for this exact purpose. There's a good summary here.

There's a discussion about whether the final implementation will use tally or tally_by when providing a block, as here.

In this use case:

# or hash.tally_by if that's the accepted method for block form
hash.tally { |k, v| v }
# => { true => 2, false => 2 }

Docs on the features being released are here.

Hope this helps someone!