Run all SQL files in a directory

  1. In the SQL Management Studio open a new query and type all files as below

    :r c:\Scripts\script1.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script2.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script3.sql
  2. Go to Query menu on SQL Management Studio and make sure SQLCMD Mode is enabled
  3. Click on SQLCMD Mode; files will be selected in grey as below

    :r c:\Scripts\script1.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script2.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script3.sql
  4. Now execute

Make sure you have SQLCMD enabled by clicking on the Query > SQLCMD mode option in the management studio.

  1. Suppose you have four .sql files (script1.sql,script2.sql,script3.sql,script4.sql) in a folder c:\scripts.

  2. Create a main script file (Main.sql) with the following:

    :r c:\Scripts\script1.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script2.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script3.sql
    :r c:\Scripts\script4.sql

    Save the Main.sql in c:\scripts itself.

  3. Create a batch file named ExecuteScripts.bat with the following:

    SQLCMD -E -d<YourDatabaseName> -ic:\Scripts\Main.sql

    Remember to replace <YourDatabaseName> with the database you want to execute your scripts. For example, if the database is "Employee", the command would be the following:

    SQLCMD -E -dEmployee -ic:\Scripts\Main.sql
  4. Execute the batch file by double clicking the same.

Use FOR. From the command prompt:

c:\>for %f in (*.sql) do sqlcmd /S <servername> /d <dbname> /E /i "%f"

Create a .BAT file with the following command:

for %%G in (*.sql) do sqlcmd /S servername /d databaseName -E -i"%%G"

If you need to provide username and passsword

for %%G in (*.sql) do sqlcmd /S servername /d databaseName -U username -P 
password -i"%%G"

Note that the "-E" is not needed when user/password is provided

Place this .BAT file in the directory from which you want the .SQL files to be executed, double click the .BAT file and you are done!