Running python on a Windows machine vs Linux
but afraid the software may not work well on a windows box.
Your software will work. The Windows OS may not work as you hope. But that's Windows, not Python.
We develop 100% on Windows. We completely test: Unit test, integration test and user acceptance test on Windows. 100%.
We deploy for production 0% on Windows, 100% on Linux.
We have a few (less than 6) differences in the unit tests that are Windows-specific.
The application has no changes. It works with Apache or not. It works with SQLite or MySQL.
Don't tell anybody this, but I've run python/django on windows. It works all right and the performance hit isn't any worse than you would expect from windows. I used MySQL and it installed without a problem. I had to grope around to find out how to manage it (no good ol' sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
but i eventually found a graphical interface to do what I needed.