Scala - designation of a matched item in pattern matching

You can use @ to bind the whole pattern to variable in your version

class Animal(hair: Option[Hair])
case class Cat(var hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal(hair)
case class Dog(var hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal(hair)
case class Sheep(var hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal(hair)

def what(animal: Animal) {
  animal match {
    case Cat(hair) => println("processing cat, hair=" + hair)
    case Dog(hair) => println("processing dog, hair=" + hair)
    case s @ Sheep(hair) => {
      println("processing sheep, cutting hair...")
      //cut(hair) = None

But you don't have to use var. Here is more functional version of your snippet. what here just returns Sheep with None Hair after cutting.

trait Animal
case class Cat(hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal
case class Dog(hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal
case class Sheep(hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal

def what(animal: Animal): Animal =
  animal match {
    case Cat(hair) => {
      println("processing cat, hair=" + hair)
    case Dog(hair) => {
      println("processing dog, hair=" + hair)
    case Sheep(hair) => {
      println("processing sheep, cutting hair...")

this does not work, because in the pattern matching the var "hair" is just extracted from the Sheep object so it is not the field of Sheep, but a variable in the context of the case block. You could do it like this:

class Hair

trait Animal {
  var hair: Option[Hair]
case class Cat(var hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal
case class Dog(var hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal
case class Sheep(var hair: Option[Hair]) extends Animal

//then somewhere else:

def what(animal: Animal) {

  animal match {
    case Cat(hair) => println("processing cat, hair=" + hair)
    case Dog(hair) => println("processing dog, hair=" + hair)
    case Sheep(hair) => {
      println("processing sheep, cutting hair...") = None

Just tell Animal it has a mutable field hair and you can set it without casting it to the right type.