Scala: how to merge a collection of Maps
Well, you could do:
mapList reduce (_ ++ _)
except for the special requirement for collision.
Since you do have that special requirement, perhaps the best would be doing something like this (2.8):
def combine(m1: Map, m2: Map): Map = {
val k1 = Set(m1.keysIterator.toList: _*)
val k2 = Set(m2.keysIterator.toList: _*)
val intersection = k1 & k2
val r1 = for(key <- intersection) yield (key -> (m1(key) + m2(key)))
val r2 = m1.filterKeys(!intersection.contains(_)) ++ m2.filterKeys(!intersection.contains(_))
r2 ++ r1
You can then add this method to the map class through the Pimp My Library pattern, and use it in the original example instead of "++
class CombiningMap(m1: Map[Symbol, Double]) {
def combine(m2: Map[Symbol, Double]) = {
val k1 = Set(m1.keysIterator.toList: _*)
val k2 = Set(m2.keysIterator.toList: _*)
val intersection = k1 & k2
val r1 = for(key <- intersection) yield (key -> (m1(key) + m2(key)))
val r2 = m1.filterKeys(!intersection.contains(_)) ++ m2.filterKeys(!intersection.contains(_))
r2 ++ r1
// Then use this:
implicit def toCombining(m: Map[Symbol, Double]) = new CombiningMap(m)
// And finish with:
mapList reduce (_ combine _)
While this was written in 2.8, so keysIterator
becomes keys
for 2.7, filterKeys
might need to be written in terms of filter
and map
, &
becomes **
, and so on, it shouldn't be too different.
How about this one:
def mergeMap[A, B](ms: List[Map[A, B]])(f: (B, B) => B): Map[A, B] =
(Map[A, B]() /: (for (m <- ms; kv <- m) yield kv)) { (a, kv) =>
a + (if (a.contains(kv._1)) kv._1 -> f(a(kv._1), kv._2) else kv)
val ms = List(Map("hello" -> 1.1, "world" -> 2.2), Map("goodbye" -> 3.3, "hello" -> 4.4))
val mm = mergeMap(ms)((v1, v2) => v1 + v2)
println(mm) // prints Map(hello -> 5.5, world -> 2.2, goodbye -> 3.3)
And it works in both 2.7.5 and 2.8.0.