Scrollspy Using Full URL

Or you can add data-target attribute to your link element: data-target="#link"

<a href="" data-target="#link1">Link1</a>
<a href="" data-target="#link2">Link2</a>

The way scrollspy is coded, it looks at anchors that have href's that start with a #.

There is one way you could do this. Not pretty but may work.

Once the page loads, in your jQuery ready function, search the document for all anchors (inside of your target container, or body), and check to see if the href starts with your hostname, followed by a/#, and if it matches change the anchor's href to just be the portion after the #

Here is some rough code (not tested) that you could try (say your scrollspy target is a div with id of #navbar:

  // local url of page (minus any hash, but including any potential query string)
  var url = location.href.replace(/#.*/,'');

  // Find all anchors
    var $a = $(a);
    var href = $a.attr('href');

    // check is anchor href starts with page's URI
    if (href.indexOf(url+'#') == 0) {
      // remove URI from href
      href = href.replace(url,'');
      // update anchors HREF with new one

    // Now refresh scrollspy
    $('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function (i,spy) {


Now make sure you run this after you load the bootstrap.min.js file.

If you are initializing your ScrollSpy via javascript, rather than via data-* attributes, then replace the three lines of code where scrollspy is refreshed wit the code to initialise your scrollspy target & settings.