Search for files in a folder
An alternative solution is to use the Glob.jl package. For example, if you have the following list of files in your directory:
and you want to find all text files starting with "foo" you would write
using Glob
glob("foo*.txt") #if searching the working directory
glob("foo*.txt","path/to/dir") #for specifying a different directory
In Julia, the equivalent to list.files()
is readdir([path])
There is no built-in directory search that I know of, but it is a one-liner:
searchdir(path,key) = filter(x->contains(x,key), readdir(path))
UPDATE: Since at least Julia v0.7, contains()
has been deprecated for occursin(substring, string)
. So the above filter would now be:
searchdir(path,key) = filter(x->occursin(key,x), readdir(path))