Securing exclusively the REST access to a Spring Data Rest Repository

One solution would be to remove the @PreAuthorize annotation from your repository interface, and in a configuration class, extend WebSecurityConfigAdaptor and override the configure(HttpSecurity security) method. From here you can use AntMatchers to impose access restrictions to the REST endpoints as required. For example:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

See for more details.

Please evaluate these possibilities:

  • Security checks in REST event handlers
  • Adding custom repository methods for internal use
  • Using RunAsManager (or temporarily switching SecurityContext to perform a privileged operation)

Securing modifying requests using REST event handlers:

public class FooService {

   * Handles before-* events.
  public void onBeforeModify(final Foo entity){
    // noop

   * Handles before-* events.
  public void onBeforeModifyLink(final Foo entity, final Object linked){
    // noop

Securing standard CRUD methods while adding non-secure custom methods on repository for internal use:

public interface FooDao extends CrudRepository<Foo, Long> {

 <S extends Foo> S save(final S entity);

   * Saves entity without security checks.
  default <S extends Foo> S saveInternal(final S entity) {
    return save(entity);