What is the return type for a function that returns another function
Since this question popped up first in Google for how to type return function for a function that returns a function, I will add the generic solution here for declaring these types.
So if you want to add type declaration to this curried add
const add = (a : number) => (b: number) => a + b;
You just duplicate what is after the =
sign and make the return value the corresponding value:
export const add: (a : number) => (b: number) => number =
(a : number) => (b: number) => a + b;
But at this point, you don't need the types for the actual function, so you can just type this, as if it was JS:
export const add: (a : number) => (b: number) => number =
a => b => a + b;
Writing it more extensively:
const add: (a : number) => (b: number) => number =
a => {
return b => {
return a + b;
using function
function add(a: number): (b: number) => number {
return function(b) {
return a + b
With generics:
export const add: <A extends number, B extends number>(a : A) => (b: B) => number =
a => b => a + b;
or with function
(B extends number
can be at the same place as A extends number
, depending on usage):
function add<A extends number>(a: A): <B extends number>(b: B) => number {
return function(b) {
return a + b
If I understood you correctly, your solution will depend on the type that the "second" function returns.
In a nutshell, there are at least 2 ways to do it:
- Lambda syntax
- Interfaces (normal and generic interfaces)
I've tried to explain all these in the code below, please, check it:
module main
export class TestClass
// Use lamba syntax as an interface for a return function
protected returnSpecificFunctionWhichReturnsNumber(): () => number
return this.specificFunctionWhichReturnsNumber;
protected specificFunctionWhichReturnsNumber(): number
return 0;
// Use an interface to describe a return function
protected returnSpecificInterfaceFunction(): INumberFunction
return this.specificFunctionWhichReturnsNumber;
// Use a generic interface to describe a return function
protected returnSpecificGenericInterfaceFunction(): IReturnFunction<number>
return this.specificFunctionWhichReturnsNumber;
// An interface for a function, which returns a number
export interface INumberFunction
(): number;
// A generic interface for a function, which returns something
export interface IReturnFunction<ValueType>
(): ValueType;