Select subset of rows of dataframe using multiple conditions

This is a Julia thing, not so much a DataFrame thing: you want & instead of &&. For example:

julia> [true, true] && [false, true]
ERROR: TypeError: non-boolean (Array{Bool,1}) used in boolean context

julia> [true, true] & [false, true]
2-element Array{Bool,1}:

julia> df[(df[:A].<5)&(df[:B].=="c"),:]
2x2 DataFrames.DataFrame
| Row | A | B   |
| 1   | 3 | "c" |
| 2   | 4 | "c" |

FWIW, this works the same way in pandas in Python:

>>> df[(df.A < 5) & (df.B == "c")]
   A  B
1  3  c
2  4  c

I have the same now as , occurring on my update to julia 0.6 from 0.5, and now using dataframes v 0.10.1.

Update: I made the following change to fix:

r[(r[:l] .== l) & (r[:w] .== w), :] # julia 0.5

r[.&(r[:l] .== l, r[:w] .== w), :] # julia 0.6

but this gets very slow with long chains (time taken \propto 2^chains) so maybe Query is the better way now:

# r is a dataframe
using Query
q1 = @from i in r begin
    @where i.l == l && i.w == w && == nl && == lt && 
    i.vz == vz && i.vw == vw && i.vδ == vδ && 
    i.ζx == ζx && i.ζy == ζy && i.ζδx == ζδx
    @select {absu=i.absu, i.dBU}
    @collect DataFrame

for example. This is fast. It's in the DataFrames documentation.