Sequelize: insert in bulk

Below is the correct syntax for bulk update, Tested on "sequelize": "6.0.0"

model.bulkCreate(dataToUpdate, { updateOnDuplicate: ["user_id", "token", "created_at"] })

It will update all the columns specfied in updateOnDuplicate by first column values which are in dataToUpdate

Pass in an options object to bulkCreate with ignoreDuplicates set to true

bulkCreate([...], { ignoreDuplicates: true })

ProductAttribute.bulkCreate(arrayToUpsert, {updateOnDuplicate: ['id', 'attributeValue'] }) - this will update each attributeValue with ids indicated in arrayToUpsert

Yuri's answer will ignore duplicates... there is an option for updateOnDuplicate:

Fields to update if row key already exists (on duplicate key update)? (only supported by mysql & mariadb). By default, all fields are updated.