Serilog - Output/Enrich All Messages with MethodName from which log entry was Called

in case you need a version in C#:

public static class LoggerExtensions
    public static ILogger Here(this ILogger logger,
        [CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",
        [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
        [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0) {
        return logger
            .ForContext("MemberName", memberName)
            .ForContext("FilePath", sourceFilePath)
            .ForContext("LineNumber", sourceLineNumber);

use like this:

// at the beginning of the class
private static Serilog.ILogger Log => Serilog.Log.ForContext<MyClass>();

// in the method
Log.Here().Information("Hello, world!");

Remember to add those properties in the message template. You can use something like this:

var outputTemplate = "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level}] {SourceContext}{NewLine}{Message}{NewLine}in method {MemberName} at {FilePath}:{LineNumber}{NewLine}{Exception}{NewLine}";

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .WriteTo.RollingFile("log/{Date}.log", outputTemplate, LogEventLevel.Warning)
            .WriteTo.Console(LogEventLevel.Warning, outputTemplate, theme: AnsiConsoleTheme.Literate)

It's possible to do this with an enricher by reflecting over the call stack, but very expensive to do so, so Serilog doesn't offer it.

Instead you can use something like:

Logger.Here().Information("Hello, world!");

and implement the Here() method as an extension method on ILogger:

Public Sub Here(ByVal logger as ILogger,
    <CallerMemberName> Optional memberName As String = Nothing)

    Return logger.ForContext("MemberName", memberName)
End Sub 

Based on MovGP0's answer (for C#),

I created a solution that doesn't require the Here()-Method in every line where you want to log, by simply adding a custom Log.cs-Class into the "root namespace" of a project.

For more info see:


